Stargate Detroit
Transcending The Gateways To Freedom
- 181 Pages
- Hundreds of Illustrations, Diagrams & Pictures
- Hard Coiled Bound
- Published April, 2011
- Zoboz Publishing
Cost: $19.95 + $4.95 S&H
Book Description
Detroit has always been a city of transformation and its nicknames have reflected this scenario – Paris of the West, The Motor City, Mo-Town, Murder City, Rock City, The Renaissance City, The ‘D’, The 3-1-3 and Stargate Detroit.
In 2001 Detroit celebrated its 300th birthday or Tricentennial. The city received several amazing gifts aimed at continuing the renaissance and sprucing up the river front. Many of the gifts contained ‘gateway’ or ‘Stargate’ symbolism – including the amazing ‘Transcending’ gateway sculpture.
In a gorgeous book filled with illustrations, diagrams and original art, noted author, researcher and seeker Chad Stuemke unveils the sacred history, esoteric urban plan and symbolic public art that has been ‘hidden in plain site’ in the heart of Detroit, Michigan.